1. AudiencePlus - Foundation & Design System audienceplus bb agency colors colors typography design system foundation grid system light and dark mode product design purple saas ds ui ux variables
    View AudiencePlus - Foundation & Design System
    AudiencePlus - Foundation & Design System
  2. AudiencePlus - Content Creation ai suggestions audienceplus bb agency cms content creation content editing content strategy content workflow datepicker draft minimal podcast product design saas split screen ui user interface ux video
    View AudiencePlus - Content Creation
    AudiencePlus - Content Creation
  3. AudiencePlus - Subscribers audience audienceplus bb agency dashboard filters insight list minimal owned media product design saas sidebar subscribers table tags ui user interface users ux
    View AudiencePlus - Subscribers
    AudiencePlus - Subscribers
  4. AudiencePlus - Key Metrics analytics audienceplus bb agency chart content strategy increase line graph metrics minimal owned media product design purple radial bar chart subscribers ui ui cards user interface
    View AudiencePlus - Key Metrics
    AudiencePlus - Key Metrics
  5. AudiencePlus - Copilot ai chat ai suggestion ai widget audience management audienceplus b2b bb agency content strategy copilot minimal owned media platform product design purple saas sidebar ui user interface web design
    View AudiencePlus - Copilot
    AudiencePlus - Copilot
  6. AudiencePlus - Insights activity analytics audienceplus bb agency content creation content insight drawer light dark mode platform product design saas sidebar subscribers ui ui cards user interface ux
    View AudiencePlus - Insights
    AudiencePlus - Insights
  7. AudiencePlus - Dashboard ai widget analytics audience management audience overview audienceplus b2b marketing bb agency cards clean copilot dashboard minimal platform product design saas sidebar ui ux web app
    View AudiencePlus - Dashboard
    AudiencePlus - Dashboard
  8. AudiencePlus - AI Copilot dark mode ai copilot ai suggestions ai tags audienceplus bb agency content creator profile dark mode engagement product design purple ui ui cards user user interface widget
    View AudiencePlus - AI Copilot dark mode
    AudiencePlus - AI Copilot dark mode
  9. AudiencePlus - Website & Platform ai audience audienceplus bb agency content views copilot creators dashboard graphs homepage landing page mockup platform product design sidebar ui user interface ux website
    View AudiencePlus - Website & Platform
    AudiencePlus - Website & Platform
  10. HR Management - Secondary Pages bento bento box cards clean colorful dashboard documents employees hierarchy history timeline hr management interactions logbook minimal product design table ui ui card
    View HR Management - Secondary Pages
    HR Management - Secondary Pages
  11. HR Management - My Absence absence colorful colors dashboard dropdown filters minimal navigation platform playful product design saas table ui ui ux user interface vacation web app
    View HR Management - My Absence
    HR Management - My Absence
  12. HR Management - Absences Calendar absence calendar clean colorful dashboard date events filters hr management minimal navigation platform playful product design saas timeline ui ui ux vacation web app
    View HR Management - Absences Calendar
    HR Management - Absences Calendar
  13. HR Management - Organization chart app clean colors dashboard department employees flow graph hierarchy manage minimal organization chart product design saas sitemap structure teams ui users ux
    View HR Management - Organization chart
    HR Management - Organization chart
  14. HR Management - Dashboard calendar cards clean dashboard documents employees home screen hr management minimal navigation platform playful product design reminders saas ui components ui ux user interface web app widgets
    View HR Management - Dashboard
    HR Management - Dashboard
  15. HR Management - Product Overview bento box cards clean colors dashboard data documents employee management hr management interaction navigation organizational chart playful product design saas sidebar ui ui modules ux web app
    View HR Management - Product Overview
    HR Management - Product Overview
  16. Transaxe - Transaction details b2b banking cards clean code editor dashboard details finance fintech gui money product design saas sidebar startup tabs transaction ui user interface ux
    View Transaxe - Transaction details
    Transaxe - Transaction details
  17. StudentPulse - Heatmap chart comparison confidence score data data visualization graph heatmap light matrix minimal product design status student satisafction studentpulse ui user interface
    View StudentPulse - Heatmap
    StudentPulse - Heatmap
  18. Intuit - Homepage bento components connection dashboard features hero homepage integration landing page logos minimal pricing saas tools ui ui card ui elements user interface web design website
    View Intuit - Homepage
    Intuit - Homepage
  19. Intuit - Other Pages about us benefits black and blue carousel collaboration connection cta features integrations landing page minimal platform pricing saas testimonials tools ui web design website workflow
    View Intuit - Other Pages
    Intuit - Other Pages
  20. Intuit - Homepage automation clean collaboration dasboard ecosystem hero homepage integration landing page minimal platforms product design saas tools ui user interface web design workflow
    View Intuit - Homepage
    Intuit - Homepage
  21. Crisp - Behance Case Study bb agency behance case study clean ui contacts crisp crm filters list minimal design mockup product design saas table tags ui user experience user interface ux
    View Crisp - Behance Case Study
    Crisp - Behance Case Study
  22. Crisp - Helpdesk animation article bb agency categories clean interface crisp help helpdesk knowledge base minimal saas sidebar support tutorials ui ui cards user experience user interface ux web design
    View Crisp - Helpdesk
    Crisp - Helpdesk
  23. Crisp - Spacing System 4 point grid bb agency blue company profile crisp crm dashboard design system grid guidelines guides light layout minimal product design rules spacing ui user interface ux widget
    View Crisp - Spacing System
    Crisp - Spacing System
  24. Crisp - CRM Modular Navigation account information atomic bb agency crisp crm dashboard design system dropdown intuitive minimal modular navigation product design settings sidebar ui user experience user interface ux variants
    View Crisp - CRM Modular Navigation
    Crisp - CRM Modular Navigation
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