1. Day 22 Challenge: Design search bar
    View Day 22 Challenge: Design search bar
    Day 22 Challenge: Design search bar
  2. Day 21 Challenge: Home Monitoring Dashboard!
    View Day 21 Challenge: Home Monitoring Dashboard!
    Day 21 Challenge: Home Monitoring Dashboard!
  3. Day 20: Design a Location Tracker 3d animation branding graphic design logo motion graphics ui
    View Day 20: Design a Location Tracker
    Day 20: Design a Location Tracker
  4. Day 19 : Design a Leaderboard 3d animation branding graphic design logo motion graphics ui
    View Day 19 : Design a Leaderboard
    Day 19 : Design a Leaderboard
  5. Day 18 - E-commerce Analytics Dashboard 3d animation branding graphic design logo motion graphics ui
    View Day 18 - E-commerce Analytics Dashboard
    Day 18 - E-commerce Analytics Dashboard
  6. Day 17 Design Challenge: Purchase Receipt 3d animation branding graphic design logo motion graphics ui
    View Day 17 Design Challenge: Purchase Receipt
    Day 17 Design Challenge: Purchase Receipt
  7. Day 16 challenge: Pop-up Overlay animation ui uidesign ux
    View Day 16 challenge: Pop-up Overlay
    Day 16 challenge: Pop-up Overlay
  8. Day 15: Design an On/Off Switch animation branding graphic design logo motion graphics ui
    View Day 15: Design an On/Off Switch
    Day 15: Design an On/Off Switch
  9. Day 14 Challenge: Countdown Timer 3d animation graphic design logo motion graphics ui
    View Day 14 Challenge: Countdown Timer
    Day 14 Challenge: Countdown Timer
  10. Design day 13- Design a Chatscreen 3d animation branding graphic design logo motion graphics ui
    View Design day 13- Design a Chatscreen
    Design day 13- Design a Chatscreen
  11. Day 12 design challenge: an e-commerce shop dailyui ui
    View Day 12 design challenge: an e-commerce shop
    Day 12 design challenge: an e-commerce shop
  12. Day 11 of the UIUX Design Challenge: Flash Message Design 3d animation branding design graphic design logo motion graphics ui uiux
    View Day 11 of the UIUX Design Challenge: Flash Message Design
    Day 11 of the UIUX Design Challenge: Flash Message Design
  13. Day 10 - Design a Social Share Snippet 3d animation graphic design ui
    View Day 10 - Design a Social Share Snippet
    Day 10 - Design a Social Share Snippet
  14. Day 9 - Design a Music Player 3d graphic design ui user interface design
    View Day 9 - Design a Music Player
    Day 9 - Design a Music Player
  15. Day 8 - Design a 404 error page ui ui design user user interface design
    View Day 8 - Design a 404 error page
    Day 8 - Design a 404 error page
  16. Day 7 Challenge- Designing a settings screen animation branding design graphic design logo motion graphics ui
    View Day 7 Challenge- Designing a settings screen
    Day 7 Challenge- Designing a settings screen
  17. Day 6 challenge - Design a user profile animation graphic design ui user design
    View Day 6 challenge - Design a user profile
    Day 6 challenge - Design a user profile
  18. Day 5 Design - Design an app Icon 3d animation graphic design product design ui
    View Day 5 Design - Design an app Icon
    Day 5 Design - Design an app Icon
  19. Day 4 Reveal: Mortgage Calculator App 3d animation branding graphic design logo motion graphics ui
    View Day 4 Reveal: Mortgage Calculator App
    Day 4 Reveal: Mortgage Calculator App
  20. Day 3: HyperFocus Landing Page - Designed for Success! 3d branding graphic design landing page design ui
    View Day 3: HyperFocus Landing Page - Designed for Success!
    Day 3: HyperFocus Landing Page - Designed for Success!
  21. Day 2: UI Design Challenge - Mobile Ecommerce Checkout 3d animation branding graphic design logo motion graphics ui
    View Day 2: UI Design Challenge - Mobile Ecommerce Checkout
    Day 2: UI Design Challenge - Mobile Ecommerce Checkout
  22. Day 1: UI Design Challenge - Volunteer Trip Sign-Up 3d animation graphic design product ui uiux
    View Day 1: UI Design Challenge - Volunteer Trip Sign-Up
    Day 1: UI Design Challenge - Volunteer Trip Sign-Up
  23. Ui for a dating app called Datewave 3d animation branding graphic design logo motion graphics ui
    View Ui for a dating app called Datewave
    Ui for a dating app called Datewave
  24. SimplicityCalc: Your Everyday Companion 3d animation branding graphic design logo motion graphics product design ui
    View SimplicityCalc: Your Everyday Companion
    SimplicityCalc: Your Everyday Companion
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Get in touch Godwin Okechukwu