yTravel Blog Site Map & User Flow

October 22, 2014

The site map and user flow for yTravel Blog Redesign. You can read all the MEGA details behind this site redesign over at Never North here: Used the awesome UX kit by @Eric Miller to create ...

Ytravel Blog Is Live

October 10, 2014

yTravel Blog is live! This project took a ton of blood, sweat, and tears but I'm super stoked with how it turned out. Props to our amazing team for bringing it home with me: @Henry Brown and @Piotr Antkowiak.

yTravel Blog Australia Travel Guide

September 29, 2014 yTravel's destination content was cluttering up their blog index and content was getting buried where readers couldn't find it. We created a travel guide section where they can gi...

yTravel Blog - 12 Steps to Travel landing page

September 29, 2014 The 12 steps to travel are divided up into 4 phases: Take the first step, find the money, plan your trip, and get on the road. The concept behind this design is to lead readers in a fu...

yTravel Blog 12 Steps to Travel Landing Page v2

September 27, 2014 The 12-steps to travel helps yTravel blog divide up their evergreen content into 12 landing pages. Giving their readers a more enjoyable and easier browsing experience to help them travel more and cre...

yTravel Blog 12 Steps to Travel Landing Page

September 26, 2014

With yTravel Blog growing to over 1200+ posts their best content was getting buried inside the blog index. After researching their audience and finding their biggest struggle was getting started I created the 12 steps to travel. This div...

yTravel Blog Homepage 12 Steps to Travel

September 25, 2014 yTravel wanted to reposition their website and organize their 1,200+ blog posts. Their best content was getting buried in their blog index where people had difficulty finding what they needed. We created the "...

yTravel Blog 404 Error Page

September 25, 2014 For yTravel Blog's new 404 error page we had a custom illustration by the talented @Piotr Antkowiak created. They are then directed to the "12 steps to travel" page (ie: get started) or the blog index.

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