1. DriveBook - a OneNote for Google Drive project angular google drive material 3 material you onenote productivity single page single page app
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    DriveBook - a OneNote for Google Drive project
  2. Lab equipment onboarding tool for lab technicians angular biochemistry lab filters material design onboarding tool web
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    Lab equipment onboarding tool for lab technicians
  3. Online Support - a support request app for lab technicians angular angular material biochemistry ionic laboratory material design mobile app technical support
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    Online Support - a support request app for lab technicians
  4. Online Support - a support request tool for lab technicians angular biochemistry healthcare ionic laboratory technical support
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    Online Support - a support request tool for lab technicians
  5. Insurance app - scheduling doctor appointment within a plan UI aiml app appoitment booking branding customer data data analytics digital transformation doctor appoitment google cloud health insurance healthcare inspiration insurance product vision solution design ui design ux design
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    Insurance app - scheduling doctor appointment within a plan UI
  6. Design Sprint - angular landing page managed with google sheets angular app branding design design sprint development figma firebase frontend google cloud landing page spreadsheets ui ux webdesign workshop
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    Design Sprint - angular landing page managed with google sheets
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