1. Day & Night Switch UI animation animation figma illustration interaction micro animation mobile animation prototype ui design ux design web animation web design
    View Day & Night Switch UI animation
    Day & Night Switch UI animation
  2. Agency Landing Page UI/UX Redesign agency landing page agency web design agency website figma green color landing page landing page design landing page redesign modern design modern web design trending web design trending website ui design ux design web design website design website redesign website ui website ux
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    Agency Landing Page UI/UX Redesign
  3. Website UI Redesign - Pidge Technologies adobe xd design figma landing page landing page design landing page ui landing page ux modern website trending landing page trending website ui ui design ux ux design web design website design website redesign website ui website ux
    View Website UI Redesign - Pidge Technologies
    Website UI Redesign - Pidge Technologies
  4. Landing Page UI/UX Redesign Case Study - Cloutflow Platform adobe xd blue color case study uiux figma landing page landing page redesign landing page ui landing page ux landing ui landing ux modern landing page saas platform saas website trending web design ui design ux design web design website case study website design
    View Landing Page UI/UX Redesign Case Study - Cloutflow Platform
    Landing Page UI/UX Redesign Case Study - Cloutflow Platform
  5. Fitness Mobile App design - CMF design language adobe xd app design app ui app ux brutalism dark mode dark mode app figma fitness app fitness app dark mode fitness mobile app minimalism mobile app design mobile app ui mobile app ux modern app orange trending app ui design ux design
    View Fitness Mobile App design - CMF design language
    Fitness Mobile App design - CMF design language
  6. Landing Page UI/UX Redesign - Centuryply Website adobe xd business website ecommerce website figma landing page landing page ui landing page ux minimalism modern web design redesign shopping website trending website ui design ux design web design website redesign wood website
    View Landing Page UI/UX Redesign - Centuryply Website
    Landing Page UI/UX Redesign - Centuryply Website
  7. UI/UX Audit: Unstop’s Opportunity Listing flow adobe xd blue color figma modern design redesign ui audit ui design ux audit ux design web design website design
    View UI/UX Audit: Unstop’s Opportunity Listing flow
    UI/UX Audit: Unstop’s Opportunity Listing flow
  8. UI/UX Redesign: Unstop App Explore Screen adobe xd app design app home screen app redesign blue theme case study ed tech app figma job search app mobile app design mobile ui mobile ux modern app ui design unstop app ux design
    View UI/UX Redesign: Unstop App Explore Screen
    UI/UX Redesign: Unstop App Explore Screen
  9. Recp - Website UI/UX design for Community-based recipe sharing adobe xd brutalism web design community landing page design figma food landing page landing page landing page ui landing page ux design modern web design orange color pastel theme recipe landing page trending landing page ui design ux design web design website design
    View Recp - Website UI/UX design for Community-based recipe sharing
    Recp - Website UI/UX design for Community-based recipe sharing
  10. Salzar - SaaS Mobile App Design adobe xd app design crm app crm mobile dashboard app dashboard design figma flat design light mode app mobile app mobile dashboard modern app purple color saas app saas mobile app sales mobile app trending app design trending mobile app ui design ux design
    View Salzar - SaaS Mobile App Design
    Salzar - SaaS Mobile App Design
  11. Musicly - Music Streaming App UI/UX design adobe xd dar mode dark mode dark mode app design design figma gradient theme mobile mobile app design mobile ui music app music app design music streaming app orange color prototyping trending trending mobile app ui ui ux
    View Musicly - Music Streaming App UI/UX design
    Musicly - Music Streaming App UI/UX design
  12. Repill - Landing page Design of a Medication Management App adobe xd figma green landing page landing page design medication app medication landing page medicine app medicine tracker app mobile app responsive website saas landing page trending web design ui design ux design web web design web ui web uiux website design
    View Repill - Landing page Design of a Medication Management App
    Repill - Landing page Design of a Medication Management App
  13. Hybr.id - Company Landing Page UI/UX design blue brutalism company website figma green landing page landing page design orange purple saas company saas landing page ui ui design ui ux ux design web web design website design
    View Hybr.id - Company Landing Page UI/UX design
    Hybr.id - Company Landing Page UI/UX design
  14. COCA - SEO Agency Landing Page Design adobe xd agency landing page agency website design figma landing page purple color saas website trending web design ui design ux design web design website design
    View COCA - SEO Agency Landing Page Design
    COCA - SEO Agency Landing Page Design
  15. MarkitUp - Digital Marketing Agency Landing Page adobe xd ai landing page ai website dark mode figma gradient landing page landing ui marketing agency pink ui ui design ux design web design website yellow
    View MarkitUp - Digital Marketing Agency Landing Page
    MarkitUp - Digital Marketing Agency Landing Page
  16. Tasky - Task Management app UI/UX design adobe xd analytics app app design app ui calendar dark mode dashboard design figma kanban mobile app task task management ui ui design ux
    View Tasky - Task Management app UI/UX design
    Tasky - Task Management app UI/UX design
  17. LinkForge - API development platform UI/UX design adobe xd analytics api software coding dashboard dashboard ui dashboard ux design figma saas saas ui saas ux software design ui ui design uiux ux ux design web design
    View LinkForge - API development platform UI/UX design
    LinkForge - API development platform UI/UX design
  18. Codio - A Coding platform UI/UX design code ui coding platform coding ui dashbaord ui dashboard dashboard design figma programming ui software design ui ui design ui ux ui ux design ux design web design
    View Codio - A Coding platform UI/UX design
    Codio - A Coding platform UI/UX design
  19. Equal - A spreadsheet app. UI/UX Design adobe xd dashboard dashboard ui dashboard ux figma spreadsheet ui design ui ui design ui ux ui ux design ux design web dashboard web design
    View Equal - A spreadsheet app. UI/UX Design
    Equal - A spreadsheet app. UI/UX Design
  20. Tasky - A project management SaaS Tool UI/UX design adobe xd dashboard dashboard design figma project management tool design saas saas dashboard saas tool saas ui saas ux task management tool ui ui design ux design web design
    View Tasky - A project management SaaS Tool UI/UX design
    Tasky - A project management SaaS Tool UI/UX design
  21. StockUp - Stock Trading Dashboard UI/UX Design dashboard dashboard design dashboard ui dashboard ux design figma stock dashboard trading dahsboard ui ui design user interface ux design web design
    View StockUp - Stock Trading Dashboard UI/UX Design
    StockUp - Stock Trading Dashboard UI/UX Design
  22. Sales Management Dashboard UI/UX design adobe xd dashboard dashboard design dashboard ui dashboard ux figma ui ui design ux design web dashboard web design
    View Sales Management Dashboard UI/UX design
    Sales Management Dashboard UI/UX design
  23. Bites - A Restaurant Landing Page UI/UX design adobe xd design figma food landing page landing page landing page design restaurant landing page ui design ux design web design web ui design web ux design website design
    View Bites - A Restaurant Landing Page UI/UX design
    Bites - A Restaurant Landing Page UI/UX design
  24. Criptoin - Crypto Investing Website UI/UX Design adobe xd crypto landing page crypto website figma finance website design investing website landing page nft website ui design ux design web design website design
    View Criptoin - Crypto Investing Website UI/UX Design
    Criptoin - Crypto Investing Website UI/UX Design
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