1. AI Fleet Management Dashboard above the fold app application branding dashboard design device hover illustration live map map page screen screens table ui unit ux web web app
    View AI Fleet Management Dashboard
    AI Fleet Management Dashboard
  2. Interactive Microsite for Data Collection | Figma + Webflow carousel collection data design field form friendly fun green image carousel images kids light ui mobile next selection tabs ui ux web
    View Interactive Microsite for Data Collection | Figma + Webflow
    Interactive Microsite for Data Collection | Figma + Webflow
  3. UI/UX Designer Portfolio above the fold branding button dark desktop elegant hero logo mockup portfolio premium presentation projects responsive sleek ui ux value proposition web website
    View UI/UX Designer Portfolio
    UI/UX Designer Portfolio
  4. Marketing Website for Software Engineering Agency above the fold design desktop engineering hero hero section homepage it marketing mathematics mobile programming responsive responsive design responsive ui social proof software ui ux web
    View Marketing Website for Software Engineering Agency
    Marketing Website for Software Engineering Agency
  5. HMI for the Marine Industry alarm button operated buttons dark dark ui data design embedded embedded ui engineer graph gui historical marine modular module temperature ui ux ux design
    View HMI for the Marine Industry
    HMI for the Marine Industry
  6. Word Predictor Web App branding contrast crawling design details drag and drop dropdown graphic design list progress queue table tasks ui users ux ux design web web crawl web platform
    View Word Predictor Web App
    Word Predictor Web App
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