I'm a graphic designer with over 5 years of experience in brand identity design.
passionate about creating visually appealing that helps businesses communicate their message effectively.
I'm proficient in various design software, including Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, and InDesign.
also an expert in color theory, typography, and shape design.
I'm a highly creative and innovative designer, and I'm always eager to develop new and original ideas.
I'm also a highly organized and efficient worker, and I can manage multiple projects simultaneously.

My Email Address: ziaulogofx@gmail.com
Whatsapp Number: +8801646782960
Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/ziaul-graphics


Member since Sep 2021

Brand / Graphic Design 3–5 years

Illustration 3–5 years

designer at upwork 2020–Present

designer at fiverr 2020–Present

designer at freelancer.com 2020–Present

Freelance or contract opportunities

3 followers 4 following 1,073 tags

Available for new projects

Get in touch Ziaul Zidan