A Designer with a passion for designing beautiful and functional products with a good User Experience. Knows how to handle aesthetics, experience, and research. Loves to learn new technologies. Often declare my profession as a passion. Love to work with a comfortable chair, pen & paper, and Heavy Metal music.

Contact me:-
Whatsapp: +8801740293249
E-mail: zakiremran@gmail.com

Member since Apr 2022

Brand / Graphic Design 3–5 years

Product Design

UX Design / Research 1–2 years

Owner and creative director at IKSHANA 2021–Present

Visual designer at Mistrisolutions, Bangladesh 2021–2021

Internship at Userhub, Bangladesh 2020–2021

Visual design & User Experience, Userhub, Bangladesh 2019

Diploma in computer science, Patuakhali polytechnic institute 2013

Freelance or contract opportunities

Full-time opportunities

106 followers 78 following 215 tags

Available for new projects

Get in touch Zakir Emran πŸ‘‘