Hiya! It's Yash. I'm a young designer with a passion for tech, science, design, and self-improvement. I love creating, designing, working, and implementing ideas. As a minimalist, you'll see my clean and simple style reflected in my work.

My design style is heavily inspired by Apple, focusing on simplicity, minimalism, and perfect attention to detail. I've worked on small-scale projects such as building websites, portfolios, and bio link hubs. Each project is an opportunity to refine my craft and showcase my dedication to creating visually appealing and functional designs.

I use a variety of tools and software to bring my ideas to life, always staying updated with the latest trends and technologies in design. My ultimate goal is to become a software developer and content creator, combining my design skills with technical expertise to create innovative solutions.

Member since Jul 2024

Web Design

UI / Visual Design

Brand / Graphic Design

Freelance or contract opportunities

1 followers 13 following 83 tags

Available for new projects

Get in touch
Yashwanth V.