🙋‍♀️ Designer day & RuPaul lover by night
📷 Love for photography
🎨 Crazy about art & museums
🧭 Dreams about traveling the world
Hi there 👋 nice to meet you!
Within the last 11+ years of I've gained experience within the digital field. My idea of great product design combines a user centered approach with a strong and appealing design language.

In my day to day work I always try to create a happy marriage between user needs and business needs. I love to create a bridge between human and technology.

I get lots of energy from helping & motivating others getting the most out of them and to see them grow further in their career. I am a proactive and ambitious co-worker that likes to work with and coach others in an Agile environment.

In the past I've worked at both client and agency side for organizations such as NS, Jumbo Supermarkten, Eneco, de Brandweer, Persgroep, Dorel (Maxi-Cosi), Schouten & Nelissen, Fuji, GameHouse and many more.

Eindhoven, Netherlands

Dribbble Pro

Member since Jul 2016

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