With 5+ years of experience, I’ve worked in early-stage startups and established organizations on various design-related needs. I work across multiple disciplines, from interaction and product design to branding and visual design. This experience allowed me to find a balance and to be consistent with product needs like following a company voice and visual design and crafting product experiences by applying the design thinking methodology throughout the journey, where the end solution is aligned with user needs, uncovered desires, and expectations.

Mail to: vadym@drut.design
or use a project form link: form.typeform.com/to/jbWsgbnn

Member since Nov 2017

UI / Visual Design 3–5 years

Product Design 3–5 years

UX Design / Research 3–5 years

Product Designer at Livepeer 2022–2023

Product Designer at Ignite 2021–2022

Product Designer at BibliU 2019–2020

Product Designer at Heartbeat Agency 2018–2021

Product Designer at Upwork 2017–2018

Freelance or contract opportunities

Full-time opportunities

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Available for new projects

Get in touch Vadym Drut