I'm a product designer expertised in B2B SaaS, who used to handle a huge information and complex actions to make them impactful and easy to use at the same time.

Supporting by my 10 years of experience in graphic design, i have an exceptional attention to details and high sense of art, that other product designers might don’t have.

Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Member since Jul 2019

Mobile Design

UI / Visual Design

Product Design

UI/UX Designer at U2opia Mobile 2023–2023

UI/UX Designer at Food Market Hub 2021–2023

Visual Designer at HalalStocks.co 2020–2021

Logo Designer at kampusdesain.com 2019–2020

UI/UX Designer at Militruz 2015–2016

Art Director Intern at Syafaat Marketing Communication 2012–2013

Bachelor Degree, Institut Seni Indonesia 2015

Freelance or contract opportunities

Full-time opportunities

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Available for new projects

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