1. Cashback - mobile app UI design budget design figma finance fintech green light mobile modern ui white
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    Cashback - mobile app UI design
  2. Dashboard user interface design for real estate dealer adobexd dashboard design minimal mobile modern purple real estate ui web app white
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    Dashboard user interface design for real estate dealer
  3. UI design for a Formula 1 news blog blog design desktop formula minimal mobile news orange ui white
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    UI design for a Formula 1 news blog
  4. UI design for the football news blog blog design desktop figma football minimal news red ui white
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    UI design for the football news blog
  5. Dashboard UI design for investment platform app blue dashboard design fintech investment light minimal modern ui webapp
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  6. UI design for crypto wallet and browser extension app crypto dark design minimal mobile ui wallet
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  7. Crypto Investing Platform app crypto design investing minimal modern ui white
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  8. Banking and Finance Tracking Web App/Dashboard app banking dashboard design finance gray minimal subtle ui web
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  9. Health and Activity Tracking Mobile App activity app design health minimal mobile red tracking ui white
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  10. Dasboard - Plans and Pricing page app blue dashboard design minimal plans pricing ui webapp white
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    Dasboard - Plans and Pricing page
  11. Trading & Investment Mobile App app design investment minimal mobile red trading ui white
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  12. Financial Dashboard (Transactions Page) app dashboard design minimal web white
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  13. Dashboard desktop UI design app design minimal modern ui white
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  14. Football News and Bets - Mobile App app clean design light minimal mobile modern red ui white
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    Football News and Bets - Mobile App
  15. Mobile app UI design - heavy machinery renting app clean design minimal mobile modern ui white yellow
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    Mobile app UI design - heavy machinery renting
  16. Receipts - mobile app UI design app clean design light minimal mobile modern rounded corners ui white
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  17. UI design of a mobile application for storing loyalty cards app clean design light minimal mobile modern rounded corners ui white
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    UI design of a mobile application for storing loyalty cards
  18. User interface design for audiobook mobile app app audiobook brown clean design minimal mobile modern rounded corners ui white
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  19. UI design for a mobile news app animated app clean design minimal mobile modern news red ui white
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  20. Budget planning mobile app design blue design finance light minimal mobile modern ui white
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  21. Design of dark UI for portfolio website (black and orange) adaptive animated css dark html landingpage minimal modern orange portfolio ui website
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    Design of dark UI for portfolio website (black and orange)
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