1. StyleROOTS - Furniture Web UI Design With Design System ai designinspiration designsystem ecommercedesign furniture graphic design midjourney minimal prototype responsivedesign trendy ui uiuxdesign uxresearch webdesign webpage
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  2. MEDash Admin Dashboard: Analytics UX branding charts creative dashboard figma financial graphic design graphs money photoshop ui uiux web ui
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  3. UI Design for Books HUB App! animation app design app ui books creative figma login online library otp register sign in sign up uiux
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  4. FinTel Online Hotel Booking Web UI 247 3d animation booking branding figma graphic design hotel online ui web web ui
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  5. Catalyst of Change: A Symphony for Sustainable Living app design carbon country creativity figma graphic graphic design interface login logo nature search sign upsign in ui ux
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