Hello im Tommy yatsky!

As a graphic design specialist with a focus on logo design, I am passionate about creating impactful and visually stunning logos that accurately represent a company or brand. With years of experience in the field, I have honed my skills in using various design software, such as Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop, to create logos in a variety of styles that are suitable for different applications.

Overall, I am a dedicated and experienced graphic design specialist who is committed to creating logos that help businesses and brands stand out in a competitive marketplace.

5000+ projects with 100% feedback
- 15+ years of experience (Print & Web Media)
- Best price with 100% satisfaction.
- Working 6 days: Support for 7 days a week


- Logo design
- Jersey + Mockup Design
- Brochure design
- Packaging design
- Instagram Post Design
- Any sort of print media designing
- Graphics designing (print & electronic)
and more!

email : Tommy.yatsky@gmail.com


Member since Jul 2018

Product Design


Brand / Graphic Design

Graphic Designer at PT. Fajar Anugerah Media 2019–2020

Fikom, University Muhammadiyah of Yogyakarta 2006

Freelance or contract opportunities

1 followers 39 following 61 tags

Available for new projects

Get in touch tommy yatsky