Never underestimate the power of a well-designed 404 page! Errors and broken links are bound to happen on a website, and designing a 404 page that’s both engaging and on-brand can actually have a huge impact on the experience of your visitors. It often makes the difference between whether they’ll leave your website or continue exploring.
Below are a handful of our favorite 404 error page illustrations from the Dribbble community. Check out more creative examples by exploring the 404 tag on Dribbble! Want to see what our 404 page looks like? Take it for a spin here ■
Row 1: Ksu Angel, Siddhita upare for Brucira, Mikita Melnikau. Row 2: tubik, Minh Trang Tran, Boyko. Row 3: Olesia Drobova, Solichan, Storytale. Row 4: Alaina Johnson, Radostina Georgieva, Anita Csillag.
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