Shot by #<User:0x00005600a5e2e590>

Art by Pablo Stanley

We're Designing the Future with InVision

Today, we’re sharing our plans to bring Dribbble and InVision Studio closer together—making the product design process even more powerful. We’re thrilled to be one of the first partners building on the InVision Studio Platform.

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Studio Platform—Design the future. Together.

by Pablo Stanley for InVision

I had the pleasure of working with the Studio Platform team on the designs for our upcoming app store and asset library. Our Studio apps and assets are the simplest way to extend, customize, and elevate your design experience. The app store lets you c...

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The InVision Studio Platform includes an app store, asset library, and an open API. Along with Atlassian, Salesforce, Getty Images, UserTesting, and Google Material Design, Dribbble will have a seamless integration available in the app store.

Your product design workflow is about to get even easier! Be the first to build on the Studio Platform and sign up for the Maker Program.

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