Shot by #<User:0x00005c5d67332090>

Art by Jesse Penico

Glitchy by Design: the Work of Jesse Penico

Who are you?

Hi, I’m Jesse. I am a visual and graphic designer living in Seattle, WA. I currently work as a visual UX designer on the Device and Services Design Group at Amazon. Outside of Amazon I try to work on various side projects, namely my Future Pixels of America project that explores various forms of glitch art. Currently, I am selling some posters and prints you can check out if you want.

Outside of design, I am the father of a super fun and cute three year-old boy named Winter. He’s my whole world, really. I also love photography and music—and collect vinyl far more than I should. If you want to see what inspires me, I guess go check out my Pinterest.

What are you working on?

I cannot talk about what I am currently working on at Amazon, but outside of that I recently designed album packaging for a band called I’m A Lion, I’m A Wolf. I’m hoping to do more packaging like that in the future. In the meantime, I am always making new playlists on Spotify and design covers for them (a la

Choose a favorite shot of yours. Why is it a favorite?

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Album Packaging - "And Then It Was Dark"

by Jesse Penico

Album packaging design and layout for I'm A Lion, I'm A Wolf's first full-length LP, "And Then It Was Dark". Listen to the entire album here.

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This is the album I was speaking of above. This was a year-long project and landed on this final cover photo (the photos is the lead singer’s fiancé when she was a kid) and graphic imagery, as well as the type and layout just in the last couple weeks before they needed it printed. I’m really proud of how it turned out, so I guess that’s why I picked it over literally everything else I have posted on Dribbble.

Tell us about your setup. What tools did you use to create the shot (e.g. hardware, software, pens, paper, blowtorch)?

I used a MacBook pro and Adobe Photoshop to design this album packaging. That’s it, really.

Initial sketches and designs utilize my own photography and various scans and distorted, printed imagery.

Choose a favorite shot from another Player. Why do you dig it?

Seth is one of my favorite designers and is incredibly talented and everything about this shot is jiving with me. The artwork, colors, type, layout, general eerie vibe. Just love it. Y’all need to follow and befriend Seth. He’s a cool dude.

Find Jesse on Dribbble, Instagram, and

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