Shot by #<User:0x000061dbcec289e8>

Art by Cait Maloney

Timeout: Cait Maloney's Lighthearted Illustrations

Who are you?

Hi! I’m Cait Maloney, an illustrator and designer based in Columbia, South Carolina. I have had a slight obsession for carbohydrates and visual communication as long as I can remember. When I’m not working, I’m drawing crazy ideas just for fun, listening to a live band, ordering wine at a local brewery, reading magazines at the beach, or having conversations with cab drivers.

What are you working on?

I’m working on various freelance projects like logos, marketing collateral and branding for local businesses and organizations. I’m also preparing some new personal pieces for a small solo exhibition coming in October in Boulder Creek, California. It wasn’t until last August when I did a dual exhibition here in Columbia that I realized how fun and freeing exhibition work can be. A lot of my time is consumed with the commercial side of things and solving creative problems for clients, so when I have an excuse to create whatever I want, it’s like skinny dipping in an ocean of macaroni-and-cheese-happiness.

Choose a favorite shot of yours. Why is it a favorite?

Its hard for me not to be super critical about my own work, but I think “Donut Judge Me” is my current favorite - probably just because its the last one I posted and people seem to like it. My inspiration came from all of the lame maternity illustrations you see if you’ve ever been to a gynecologist or looked at a “where do babies come from” book. I’m often inspired by random things like that (other people’s art, ugly things, sounds my stomach makes, outer space, puns, things with wheels) and those are usually the projects I do just for fun. The model is a friend of mine who fit perfectly with the image I had in mind. He’s a good dad to his food babies.

Tell us about your setup. What tools did you use to create the shot (e.g. hardware, software, pens, paper, blowtorch)?

Either I’m working in a 10’x6’ area in my house, or I’m working remotely. The tools I use throughout almost every process are a mechanical pencil, kneaded eraser, tracing paper or some other junky kind of paper, pens for inking (currently Faber Castell Pitt artist pens in size XS because they seem to take a little longer to dry out than others), my mediocre-in-quality scanner, MacBook Pro, Photoshop and Illustrator, a Wacom Tablet, and sometimes my couch.

Choose a favorite shot from another Player. Why do you dig it?

Fast Food (wip) dog draw drawing hot hotdog humor illustration mustard sketch sketchbook

Fast Food (wip)

by Burnt Toast ®

A rough pencil line coloured in photoshop. Instagram | Facebook | Behance

View on Dribbble

I like pretty much everything Burnt Toast Creative comes up with. I dig his imagination, colors, and all of the little details – especially in his shading and animations. It’s all very fresh looking to me. I’ve been following Scott’s work for several years, but it’s been more like quietly stalking, since I’ve never reached out nor do I know him personally.

I think this shot in particular appeals to me because its a little different than most of his others, he’s using a rough pencil line rather than the smooth vector line work. The concept is strong (I’m a sucker for clever ideas), and I like how he pulls off appearing child-friendly in color and shape, but a lot of the subject matter is actually pretty morbid and racy.

Find Cait on Dribbble, Instagram, and

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