Shot by #<User:0x000055d429b3e2c0>

Art by Ben Huynh

Shot Block: 36 Days of Type, P‑Q‑R

R u minding ur Ps and Qs? These Dribbblers sure are in this week’s Shot Block highlighting the P-Q-R portion of 36 Days of Type. We still have six more sets of letters to highlight, so stay tuned!

Are you working on 36 Days of Type too? Be sure to utilize 36 Days of Type tags so we can find your shots!

  1. P — 36 Days Of Type 36 days of type 36 days p 3d alphabet bryn taylor colour letter p type typography
  2. Shot Link
  3. P - 36 Days Of Type 36 days of type 3d character cinema 4d letterform modelling typography
  4. 36 days of type - Q 36days q 36daysoftype lettering type
  5. Shot Link
  6. Q space 36 days of type astronaut illustration letter planets q space stars texture
  7. 36 Days of Type – R 36daysoftype alphabet letter lettering r type typography
  8. Shot Link

Row 1: Bryn Taylor, Patswerk, Alexander Melville. Row 2: Gerardo Flores, Quentin Ames, Génesis Linares. Row 3: Johnathon Simmons, Ben Huynh.

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