Shot by #<User:0x000064aeef292d38>

Art by Skinny Ships

Shot Block: 10x16

As the year comes to a close, you may be making your list and checking it twice—your Best Albums of 2016 list, that is. Our resident rocker, Adam, has already shared his top picks for 2016. P.S. He’s got a new album coming out next year!

One of our favorite projects is back this year—10x is an annual tradition organized by Richard Perez and Eric R. Mortensen where a group of designers, illustrators, and artists countdown their top ten favorite albums of the year through reimagined cover art. This year, 19 artists shared amazing artwork at We love seeing this work on Dribbble, so we’ve gathered a few of our favorites in the Shot Block below.

Make sure to check out last year’s 10x15 Shot Block for more great music recommendations and designs.

  1. 10x16 — #9: Psychopomp by Japanese Breakfast 10x16 album art japanese breakfast
  2. 10x16 — #9: Russian Circles - Guidance 10x16 abstract album artwork art color illustration music
  3. Shot Link
  4. No.9—Goat 10x2016 albums blue goats illustration music
  5. 10x16 — #7: Thrice - To Be Everywhere Is To Be Nowhere 10x16 abstract album artwork art color illustration music
  6. 10x16 — #3: Teens of Denial by Car Seat Headrest 10x16 album art car seat headrest

Row 1: Eric R. Mortensen, Justin Pervorse, Skinny Ships. Row 2: Anna Hurley, Justin Pervorse, Eric R. Mortensen.

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