Shot by #<User:0x00006458e046c628>

Art by Lynn Mok

Pep Rally: Penang

Join Dribbblers in Penang, Malaysia for a meetup next week on September 9th at Piktochart Headquarters. This meetup is a chance for attendees to mingle and meet other designers in Penang. Get inspired by industry superstars with three presentations by Jay Lim, Amy Ng, and Eureka Foong. More information and RSVP link here.

Penang Dribbble Meetup dribbble dribbble meetup minimalist penang trishaw

Penang Dribbble Meetup

by Lynn Mok

Yes, I'm thrilled to announce that we'll be hosting the Dribbble Meetup in Penang this year! This shot wouldn't be complete with them details: _____________________________________________________________ Join us at Piktochart Headquarters for a chanc...

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In advance of the meetup, we spoke with Kimberly Mak, a graphic designer at Piktochart, about the Penang design scene.

Tell us what you love about Penang.

Penang may not be as modern or fun compared to other big cities from all over the world—but it certainly has its own charm! Beyond the scrumptious and world-renowned street food in this tropical island; the ancient temples, heritage buildings, preserved tradition such as trishaw riders, the greenery, and so much more is definitely a perfect blend between the modern and vintage.

In the local creative scene, there is also always a creative festival or event happening frequently which include famous acts from around the world and interesting public art installations. A famous yearly highlight, the George Town Festival has been a major attraction for many locals and visitors. There is a strong sense of how the locals (better known as Penangites) are playing their part in making Penang a better place and have grown in their appreciation of the distinct culture in this little island.

Tell us where you work, in relation to the rest of Penang.

“I’m a designer at Piktochart and I’m currently working for 3 months in Penang but for most of the time, I’m working remotely in Argentina,” said Maxi Albella who works remotely for the Piktochart design team.

For Rin, See Mei, and Mok, these 3 designers work at the Piktochart office in Penang which is located on the 20th floor of a building that oversees the beautiful view of the sea and hill—not to mention the daily scenery of sunrise and sunset!

The Piktochart office practices an open office concept and while this structure doesn’t necessarily work for everyone in the office, the management team has done a great job ensuring a happy environment for the Piktogeeks. One of the examples is the implementation of a library (dubbed the Silent Room), which is an ideal spot for people who prefer to work without any form of distraction.

Tell us about Penang’s design scene.

Penang’s design scene is still in its early stage but has seen improvement in the past few years. These days, local designers are more collaborative and are helping the industry take off to the next level. This will only get better with a stronger unity among the local designers.

That aside, Penang is known for its street art and Maxi who has only been in Penang for a week has grown to enjoy the art scene in central George Town. The well-preserved heritage buildings in the city also serves as a remarkable design inspiration for many.

Choose three shots from Penang Dribbblers you admire, and tell us what you like about each one.

  1. Slurp artwork character comic drawing eat food illustration manga noodle
  2. Day 03 - This is Penang [ T.I.P.]
  3. Going Places Magazine Cover heritage illustration island malaysia map penang

Slurp by Lynn Mok, above left.

Lynn is really talented and I like her drawings and style.

Day 03 - This is Penang [ T.I.P.] by Lee Ter Yi, above center.

Simple and nice, the design really brings out the retro mood of Penang in a minimalistic fashion.

Going Places Magazine Cover by Valen Lim Chong Chin, above right.

A colorful and vibrant piece of artwork that illustrates what Penang is about with its tiny and accurate details. It’s clear that a lot of research has gone into creating this piece.

Can’t make it on Friday, September 9th? Find Kimberly on Dribbble and at

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