Shot by #<User:0x000057c4cbaf1008>

Art by Lauren Castro

January Dribbble Meetup Wrap‑Up

January saw 12 Dribbble Meetups in 7 countries. Over 600 of you attended meetups around the globe.

The Dribbble Meetup scheudle for February and March has been packed! Keep up to date with the latest upcoming Dribbble Meetups or think about starting your own!

Pokhara, Nepal @ Hotel Snowland

“This was the first Dribbble Meetup in Pokhara, Nepal. We had a discussion on the possible market for designers and benefits of exploring Dribbble community. The speakers for the events were Dixant Shrestha from Leapfrog Academy and Swapnil Acharya from Expresiv Studio. This event was managed by the team of Namaste Kathmandu.”

Toulouse, France

  1. Dribbble Meetup Toulouse designer dribbble frenchship meetup toulouse

The Toulouse Dribbble Meetup was a success. Attendees gathered and talked about iconography, process, and the challenges designers face.

“Following the meetup, we decided to create a Slack for us to share and discuss ideas. More info here.”

Photos by Bastien Rigaud and Frenchship.

Seattle, WA @ Substantial HQ

  1. Seattle Dribbble Meetup #2 - January 14th bw dribbble illustration meetup seattle troll vector

“Our second Dribbble Meetup at Substantial HQ was a huge success. We had about 100 designers from around the Seattle area come talk shop and hangout with us. The design community here continues to expand and we were trilled to see some familiar faces from our last event. Huge thanks to Dribbble again for helping us get the word out!”

Guadalajara, Mexico @ Centro Sur Salón Comedor Objetos

  1. GDL meetup gdl guadalajara icon logo meetup mexico minerva

“We had a great Dribbble Meetup. About 30 designers, engineers, and developers attended the event. It was a very fun—we drank beers, we talked about clients and projects, work, and more. We’re hoping to have another meetup soon.”

Amsterdam, Netherlands @

“The Dribbble and Iconfinder Meetup Amsterdam at was a great success. The combination of nice people, Swinckels’ beer, snacks, and three super interesting talks resulted in an unforgettable evening.

Brthrs Agency thanks everyone for coming out to the Amsterdam Dribbble and Iconfinder Meetup, and we’d like to give special thanks to: Timothy Achumba (Designer at Wunderlist and Microsoft), Robert van Klinken (Designer and Pieter Omvlee (Founder of Bohemian Coding, the makers of Sketch) for their inspiring talks.”

See all of Bjorn Antonissen’s amazing photos here.

Orlando, FL @ Will’s Pub

  1. Dribbble Orlando Meetup JAN 16 dribbble meetup orlando

“In partnership with the Uncomfortable Brunch, #DribbbleOrlando had a viewing of the Laura Sans 2015 Documentary, Off The Record. This film talks about life in the design and visual arts fields; how important is style, what’s the deal with clients, our responsibility as creators, and finding satisfaction in the work we produce.

Our January Meetup brought 45+ attendees (5+ new to Dribbble) together. More than half participated in our Hand-Lettering Analog Playoff and 3 talented doodlers took the All-Star gold pin home among other Dribbble goodies.

This month’s sponsors included Dribbble, InVision App, Orlando’s Uncomfortable Brunch, and Drubbbler. Stay up to date with #DribbbleOrlando Meetups on Twitter @DribbbleOrlando. Our next meetup is coming up in March at Iron Yard Orlando. Join us!”

See more photos here.

Lviv, Ukraine @ Qubstudio

  1. Lviv Dribbble Meetup @ Qubstudio dribbble lviv meetup ukraine

“Qubstudio organized the third Lviv Dribbble Meetup. Eighty extraordinary people — professional and novice designers, freelancers and leaders of their own teams — gathered for networking and exchange of experience. Thanks to the amazing speakers, Mykoka Lemiakin, Andrew Grizhbovskiy, Halynka Hlynska, and Dmitry Novikov.”

Read more about the event in the Qubstudio recap and see all the photos on the Qubstudio Facebook page.

Miami, FL @ LiveNinja

  1. Miami Dribbble Meetup designers dribbble event meetup

“We had another successful Miami Dribbble Meetup. We were happy to have a bunch of new people show up. Thankful to our speakers—Alberto Orsini, Leo Succar-Ferré, Miguel A Hidalgo and to our host LiveNinja. Remember that they have free Waffles every Wednesday.”

Join the Miami Dribbble Meetup Facebook group to stay up to date on all the happenings.

Atlanta, GA @ Rhyme & Reason Design

  1. ATL Meetup atlanta badge beer dribbble dribbble meetup georgia meetup reason rhyme

“We kept our Dribbble Meetup pretty casual, getting to know people while sharing stories and design tips over beer and pizza. We ended up having around 70 people come! How amazing is that? We went through 13 cases of beer, 10 pizzas, 60 t-shirts, 40 coozies and, of course, a plethora of Dribbble-related swag items. Since National Have Fun at Work Day was the day after our Meetup, we took it upon ourselves to print out Official Task Lists for Fun to hand out at the event. The idea was simple: check off as many tasks as possible on Have Fun at Work Day, then share it on social media using the hashtag #MakeTimeForFun. The details of the awesomeness that ensued deserve a whole other blog post (coming soon!), but thanks to our friends at Dribbble, we had some cool prizes to give to people who totally rocked it out in the fun department.”

Read more about the Atlanta Dribbble Meetup in Lauren’s full recap.

Boston, MA @ Appcues

  1. Boston Dribbble Meetup Jan 27th bostons design discussion dribbble meetup

Appcues teamed up with Thoughtbot to host our 2016 kick off Dribbble Meetup. Close to 70 designers, illustrators, and even a dev or two enjoyed some delicious pizza, great drinks and some fun nautical themed games. The space was great, the swag plentiful and the people were amazing. Look out in the near future for our next meetup—even bigger and better! Thanks to everyone who came out.”


The following Dribbble Meetups are happening soon. For the full list of upcoming meetups, visit our Meetups page.

Find more Meetups stories on our blog Courtside. Have a suggestion? Contact
