
Pep Rally: Lisbon

Lisbon Dribbble Meetup 2016 - #DribbbleLX dribbble illustration invite lettering lisboa lisbon meetup portugal tile tradition ui ux

Lisbon Dribbble Meetup 2016 - #DribbbleLX

by Francisco Cunha for HOP Design

Lisbon Dribbble Meetup Free event with limited capacity. RSVP to get your spot. Thousands of designers worldwide attend Dribbble Meetups each year. DribbbleLX Meetup is a chance for designers to socialize, talk shop, and foster Lisbon Dribbble commun...

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The Lisbon Dribbble Meetup is a chance for designers to socialize, talk shop, and foster the Lisbon design community. Join the folks from 44 Studio to chat about pixels and tools.

The Lisbon Dribbble Meetup is on Thursday, March 3rd at 7pm. The event is full, but you can RSVP for the waitlist here.

In advance of the meetup, Founder and Design Lead 44 Studio João Oliveira Simões gave us a tour of Lisbon’s design scene

João Oliveira Simões João Oliveira Simões Product Designer @BrilliantHome, Founder @44Studio. Past: Product Designer @SparksLabs (Acquired by Dropbox), Product Designer @Handy (Acquired by ANGI).

Tell us what you love about Lisbon, Portugal.

So. Many. Things. Always sunny weather, delicious food and wine that I can’t get enough of, the yellow trams, riverside clubs, and the grand plazas lined with cafes where I can drink a real espresso.

The city has plenty of landmarks with a lot of history, buildings that are over 500 years old and museums with a lot to explore. I love to walk through the streets when I go to a meeting downtown.

Fun fact: We have a reddish-orange color bridge that looks like San Francisco’s Golden Gate Bridge that was made by the same engineers.

Tell us where you work, in relation to the rest of Lisbon.

Just outside Lisbon is a string of Atlantic beaches, from Estoril to Cascais, where 44 Studio HQ is located.

We are a design studio focused on UX/UI design and development for mobile and our team works remotely with startups around the world, helping them to build their mobile products.

The great weather, beaches, and food are some of the perks of working here. We love our office and try to make it feel like home. We have an electric guitar at the studio and sometimes me and Francisco play some tunes to get everyone inspired. To run some errands I use our unicycle. :)

Tell us about the Lisbon design scene.

Lisbon’s tech startup scene is booming. We have great incubators and accelerators, like Startup Lisboa, Faber Ventures and Portugal Ventures, to name a few. The design scene has been growing with all of this happening at our doorsteps. Now it’s a great time to be here.

This year, Lisbon is going to host the Websummit. More than 40K tech people from 130 different countries are going to visit Portugal’s capital in November, and it’s going to be insane.

Most of the Portuguese startups have their offices located in Lisbon, like Uniplaces,, Followprice, Passworks, or Maily.

Choose three shots from Portuguese Dribbblers you admire, and tell us what you like about each one.

  1. sailing south boat economy editorial illustration newspaper press
  2. OfficeTime Watch app apple clean design minimal ui user experience user interface ux watch wear web design
  3. Wordpress Theme blog envato motif pixelthrone theme themeforest ui ux wordpress

Sailing South by Helder Oliveira, above left.

Helder is a very talented freelance illustrator and his work amazes me. Always with a lot of humor and social criticism. He works with the main newspapers and magazines worldwide.

OfficeTime Watch by Eduardo Santos, above center.

OfficeTime is a cool app to track time spent on multiple projects. This was an early exploration on the version for the apple watch.

What I like on Eduardo’s shots on dribbble is the way he thoughtfully explain the projects and guide us through his decisions.

Wordpress Theme by Jorge Olino, above right.

I love the way Jorge plays with color and space. Jorge is a Freelance Interactive-Art Director and works with clients from all over the world.

Special thanks to 44 Studio, OffScreen Magazine, EDIT, Laux, and Hotel Florida.

Can’t make it on Saturday, March 3th? Find João on Dribbble and Twitter and at

Enjoy reading about the Lisbon design scene? Check out Boston and Los Angeles, then go meet designers from your own great city at the next meetup.


The following Dribbble Meetups are happening soon. For the full list of upcoming meetups, visit our Meetups page.

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