
Who are you?

I’m Will Dove, a designer and illustrator from the North Carolina. Day to day, I create ads for a DC agency called ISL. In my spare time, I do lettering and illustration projects.

What are you working on?

I’m working on some food industry branding at the moment. Also refreshing my portfolio.

Choose a favorite shot of yours. Why is it a favorite?

Tiger Style halftone script swash texture tiger typography wutang

Tiger Style

by Will Dove


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I like this shot called Tiger Style because it came about so spontaneously. It started as a simple lettering project and turned into a textural experiment. I was shading the type to add dimension, and then got this idea to make it a bitmap. I just started punching in random values to see what would happened. The halftone looked tight so I tweaked the scale until it felt right. The end result was cool plus its one of my favorite things to say. Tigaahh Styyyle.

Tell us about your setup. What tools did you use to create the shot (e.g. hardware, software, pens, paper, blowtorch)?

It all starts with pen and paper for me. I buy brush and calligraphy pens compulsively so those are always within reach. For this shot, I used my light box, tracing paper, and a Copic Multiliner to sketch the words. Then, I moved to Cintiq for shading. The half tone effect was done in photoshop.

Choose a favorite shot from another Player. Why do you dig it?

A good blaster at your side baseball product photo star wars

A good blaster at your side

by Bethany Heck

So I was taking new product shots for the Eephus League site and well… I couldn't help myself.

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I remember watching Bethany bring this project to life at Auburn. It’s was inspiring then and continues to impress. Always spot on with type plus she has the coolest toys. Belly bands and Han’s blaster. What more can I say?

Find Will on Dribbble, on Twitter, and at

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