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Art by Airtype

Pep Rally: Winston‑Salem

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Airtype Dribbble Meetup

by Airtype for Airtype

We’re hosting Winston-Salem’s first Dribbble meetup, won’t you join us? RSVP — Follow us for updates —

View on Dribbble

Winston-Salem is having its first Dribbble Meetup on Friday, December 11th at a/perture cinema, hosted by Airtype! Here’s where you can RSVP. Activities for the event will include a screening of the Sign Painters documentary, a letterpress printing demonstration, an Analog Playoff, and more.

Don’t live in Winston-Salem? Take a tour with meetup organizer Philip Pledger.

What do you love about Winston-Salem?

Downtown Winston-Salem is a special place; the last five years in particular have seen a lot of growth, due in large part to numerous entrepreneurs starting cool businesses and working to make downtown a genuinely fun place to live and work. There’s a lot of young energy here which is really exciting. It seems like Winston-Salem is on a path that will preserve its rich history as a city, while also embracing and nurturing the next generation of thinkers and doers.

Tell us where you work.

Our studio is located in the historic West End neighborhood, just a few blocks from the center of the city, so we have easy access to the restaurants and bars of downtown and the surrounding neighborhoods. We’ve been in our current space (which our owner renovated) since 2011, and will soon be moving into our new space next door in early 2016.

What is the Winston-Salem design scene like?

For a mid-sized city in the southeast, it seems like there’s a surprisingly large number of designers in the area, both within the creative agency world and in the broader creative and artistic community. It’s fun to see what other designers are doing, how they approach things from a creative perspective, and how totally new ideas and perspectives are being explored. It’s not hard to be inspired by designers here in Winston-Salem.

Choose three shots from Winston-Salem Dribbblers you admire, and tell us what you like about each one.

  1. Tobacco Cured badge brand orange salem tobacco typography winston winston salem
  2. Sutler's Spirit Co skate deck
  3. Hoots Pint Glass beer branding design hoots logo pint glass

Tobacco Cured by Matthew Cook, above left.

Tobacco is a huge part of Winston-Salem’s heritage, and this shot from Matt Cook is stunning. The image has a nice balance, and the condensed letterform coupled with the script is really compelling.

Sutler’s Spirit Co. Skate Deck by Device, above center.

The guys at Device are talented illustrators, and this shot of a skateboard they adorned with their branding for local distillery Sutler’s Spirit Co. is a great example of their handiwork.

Hoots Pint Glass by Adam Dixon, above right.

Adam is our Art Director here at Airtype, and his iconic work for our friends at Hoots Beer Co. is one of my favorite pieces of branding in Winston-Salem and beyond.

Can’t make it on Friday, December 11? Find Philip and Airtype online at Dribbble.

Big thanks to sponsors Airtype, a/perture cinema, Centennial Trading Company and our Global Meetup Partners Creative Market, InVision, and Shopify.

Enjoy reading about the Winston-Salem design scene? Check out Tokyo and Berlin from the folks at Goodpatch and Austin, then go meet designers from your own great city at the next meetup.

Find more Meetups stories on our blog Courtside. Have a suggestion? Contact
