Shot by #<User:0x0000637019057f48>

Art by Jeffrey Chupp

Better Hire Me Messages

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away (wait, that’s next week), we introduced Pro accounts, a core feature of which was the ability to make yourself available for hire on Dribbble and receive work inquiries via email. Hire Me messages, as we call them to this day, was the simplest thing that could possibly work, and it’s served us well over the years. From the feedback we receive via Twitter, email, meetups, etc, it’s worked out well for our designers, too—we’ve heard numerous tales of folks getting work, sometimes even life-changing opportunities, to take a dream job or leave a dreary one to freelance full-time. We love stories like this. And these, too. Designers getting hired FTW!

Today we made Hire Me messages a little better by allowing Pros to view, reply to, and manage messages within Dribbble itself. Some highlights:

Designers still receive an email when someone sends them a work inquiry.

But now they’re notified of new messages in Dribbble as well. Designers no longer have to expose their email address when replying to a potential hirer because they reply via Dribbble. (Of course, they can always send along their contact info if and when they want.)

Hirers and designers are able to view, reply to, archive and delete messages. And, if necessary, flag them as spam to remove them and help us identify bad actors.

Best of all, you can now see your entire message history in one place - this has a been a popular feature request and we’re happy to make it available. It’s easier to locate, continue and restart conversations, even as profile details and email addresses change along the way.

If you’ve already been sending or receiving Hire Me messages, you now have access to your full message history. If you’re a Pro with messages, you can view them from your Inbox. Please note that if you have quite a few messages, we’ve kept the 10 most recent in your Inbox and moved older messages to your Archive so as not to overwhelm.

In addition to being able to find and manage your messages in one place, this is the first of several efforts toward making it even easier for designers and hirers to find each other and work together. Thanks to all of you on both sides of that equation who have gone Pro to support our community and help us make this happen.

Pro tip: If you’re hiring, be sure to check out our Guidelines for Messaging Designers.

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