
Timeouts are lightning-quick interviews. Five questions to help you get to know the players holding court at Dribbble. Many thanks to Brent for being today’s interviewee.

Who are you? Let us know where you hail from and what you do.

Brent JacksonI’m a senior UX designer at LivingSocial in Washington, DC. I try to focus on mobile, Web, icon and identity design. On the side, I created as a resource for other Web and UI designers.

What are you working on?

Mostly the LivingSocial iOS and Android apps, but I’ve also worked on LivingSocial’s Instant product, our brand icons and various other pieces of the desktop website.

Choose a favorite shot of yours. Why is it a favorite?

I’m a huge fan of Dribbble’s Playoffs/Rebound feature. It’s an interesting take on the idea of layer tennis, and it’s a fun way to briefly step away from whatever your working on, which I find invaluable to the creative process. I’m also a sucker for simplified geometric forms.

Tell us about your setup. What tools did you use to create the shot(s)? (e.g. hardware, software, pens, paper, blowtorch, etc.)

At home, I have an 11” MacBook Air. I love the small form factor and being able to work at my desk, the couch, kitchen counter, coffee shop or wherever I may end up. I also find that Lion’s full screen mode really helps me focus on the task at hand. I like keeping my desk distraction-free, but I sketch a lot and usually keep a notebook and an Alvin Draft-matic pencil around. I also tend to have a phone or iPad lying around to test comps on. At work, I have a 27” iMac, but I find the extra screen real estate more distracting than useful.

Choose a favorite shot from another Player. Why do you dig it?

This is by far the toughest question, because I have so many favorite shots on Dribbble. That said, this shot by Ryan Boyle really surprised me with the animation when I clicked through—a nice touch on top of a great illustration.

Pirate animated gif cartoon halloween illustration pirate
Shot Link


by Ryan Boyle

Pirate trick-or-treater...

View on Dribbble

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