Capitaine Train Logo
A slight 'departure' from the previous train icon. Epic pun intended. Guh. :)
We have looked at a whole variety of train styles and profiles, as well as looking at ticket shapes, merging ticket into train, window icons but yet to find something that seems to work. Through the process, the client has realised they don't particularly want a train or a ticket in the logomark.
The client was keen to have some sort of coach/train carriage connection, as they sell train tickets, but don't provide train services. Although I can see the connection, trying to visualize the carriage only part of a train is a little tricky, as there really isn't much to look at. And I really wanted to avoid anything that look dull or flat or even motionless. To me, a carriage is nothing without a train, and evokes a feeling of an 'abandoned carriage' almost.
So thinking long and hard, the idea of a single modern train chair came to mind. After looking at a great many chair styles, I penned up this version, a sleek, modern and comfy look chair. It's only a first concept to show the client the change of 'direction' and see if the general idea is worth pursuing.
The chair is what all customers use, it's the element that you will spend the most time in/on. It helps get you to your destination in 'comfort'.
But what I also liked is that is evokes a certain feeling of 'being in control' or in the drivers seat to a degree, facing the journey ahead. That this ticket it all about you, not a train full of random people. You have booked your ticket (via Capitaine Train ofcourse), you get to the station, you wait for the train then you sit down in the seat you might have booked. Now you sit back and relax. This is your ticket and your journey.
In Context
I guess not the obvious choice for a train ticket service, but I feel it's more than appropriate.