Curse Of The Freelancer | Drive

04 | Off Days

Drive. Or lack of it?
I am not going to lie, some-days I struggle with drive.
Don’t get me wrong it’s nothing to do with what I do, it may just be my mood, an event that’s happened or just me having an ‘off day.’

The challenge with working from home is that you do have a lot of distractions.
Another tea? Chat with friends? A quick nap in bed? A quick blast on GTA...

Distractions come at a price. They affect your mindset, your schedule and your focus.

My Solution.
Quite simply... Just do those things you want to do! You are your own boss. If you have other things on your mind they will stay there until you distinguish them :)

You are always going to have off day’s, so on those days just chill, do the things you want, do what makes you happy. You should use these days to
recharge, othwerwise you will just burn out!
However, keep in mind you still have deadlines to keep too and clients to entertain. Staying professional and efficient is key.

Maybe on these off day’s do some self promo work, or some design your LOVE doing.
This way it will motivate you for the client work the next day. It’s all about balance!
PS. Today I am having a cheeky off day :) You in?


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The Story
I wanted to start a little side project called Curse Of The Freelancer. My aim here is to show my experiences of when times can get alittle tricky when freelancing. I have been freelance for many years now, and I honestly wouldn’t want to do anything else. It gives me freedom with time, the opportunity for more family events, type of client and preferred design direction.
It does, however, come with risks...

In this series I want to share my personal experienes of my freelance wars, as you imagine things are not always plain sailing. I want to show this is a fun way, to help make designers aware of the risks. I do not want this to be seen as a negative overview/vibe of freelance, just more of a realistic one (from my perspective).

I hope this will be a good source and if I can help in anyway I would see this as a success. I am also open to hear other freelancers stories too.

I have many more designs/explanations I am working on, so do keep posted over the next few weeks.

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