Teach Page for an iPad 3D-Sketching Platform Website

Hi folks!

Have you ever thought of becoming a teacher? Why? Well, for one thing, it’s fun, you also get some cool karma for helping people, and finally, everyone just loves teachers!

As you probably guessed, today we are sharing the Teach Page of the website we created here at Zajno for uMake, a rad 3D-Sketching Platform with robust design tools and AR integration. The platform provides a set of tutorials to help users learn how to use the app, you can find it on the Learn Page we shared last time. But if you feel you’re already a pro at 3D sketching, why not share your knowledge? Become a teacher at uMake to help others become amazing creators and to make the Internet a more beautiful place!

You can check out the live version of the page here.

Goals The guys at uMake believe the best way to improve their community is to get amazing creators to help others. As uMake is a new product, it’s essential to teach users to use it so that they could see for themselves how easy and useful it is. Our task was to create the page design consistent with the design style we set for the website.

Approach Our main focus was to present the app’s innovative nature using vibrant colors and bold typography as that was one of the requirements. Another task was to use lots of heavy graphic content and it was a real challenge to make it all load smoothly without affecting the usability of the website too much. The overall style was defined together with our client according to the mood boards we created.

Results What we ended up with is a vibrant, visually rich Teach Page that addresses all those amazing creators who are ready to help others become as amazing at 3D sketching with uMake.

Quite a description, huh? Wonder if you read till the end 🙂 Drop me a line if you did, I'd really appreciate it! And share your thoughts!

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