Hopper's Sky Blue

As mentioned in the last post, our latest release of the Hopper Android app includes a host of design changes and breakthroughs. One such breakthroughs being with our color palette, i.e. the evolution of our primary tint blue.

In the last version, and still in iOS (But not for long!), we relied on #4285F4 as our primary tint color. Overall it is a rather generic, "default" blue and seemed to lack brand character, dulling the app's impact. We opted to make it lighter and friendlier—our new "sky blue" is a better complement to the other colors in our palette, and I am counting the days to our next iOS release so we can include it in there as well.

We found and pulled the new hue from one of our app illustrations. When used in-app, we found this blue created the lighter, more inviting aesthetic we wanted for the product. It’s also is a subtle nod to the sky as it relates to air travel.

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Posted on Mar 22, 2016

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