Pauline Baptist - Brand Identity System

The client wanted a logo system that would represent both the traditional and modern elements of their church and ministry. The result was a combination of marks that both signified the past and pushed them forward into the future.

The Loblolly pines above are the Arkansas State Tree, which Pauline calls home, and so they had significance both symbolically and because of their proximity to the church itself.

The multiplication symbol (star) was important to include as Pauline is a church that desires to multiply, not so much in a church plant type of way, but rather in a way that focuses on making disciples daily, hence the multiple loblolly pines.

Below, the radial halo icon calls back to some of the orthodox images of the saints from history. This was an ode to the name of the church, named after Paul the Apostle, and also brought in some of those traditional elements as well.

Parable & Sons
Illustrative Branding that tells a greater story.
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