Habit Hero - Generative scheduling web app

This year, I had the opportunity to participate in the third edition of the iX Hackathon, an internal event at IBM Romania. The main theme for this year’s hackathon was generative AI. Over the course of five intense weeks, our team of six colleagues took on this challenge and developed Habit Hero, a generative scheduling web application designed to make habit formation engaging and personalized.

Habit Hero leverages WatsonX to assist users in building positive routines by featuring a personal coach portrayed by a favorite celebrity or character. Each day, users receive three challenges designed to help them form new habits. At the end of the day, the selected personality also provides a review that includes a short description about how the day went and four achievements.

The app personalizes the experience based on the user’s context, which is collected during the onboarding stage, and previous calendar events. This ensures that the challenges and feedback are tailored to each user’s unique needs and preferences, making the habit-building process more effective and engaging.

To bring Habit Hero to life, we used a mix of modern technologies that includes NextJS 14 for the frontend, Langchain, Vercel AI and WatsonX with Llama 3 70b for advanced AI capabilities and integration. PrimeReact helped us with UI components, while React Big Calendar handled the scheduling features. We added animations with Lottie Files and used Microsoft Azure for project deployment.

As one of the application developers on the team, I was primarily responsible for implementing the generative scheduling, challenges and day review features, focusing on integrating the existing events from React Big Calendar with the output from WatsonX.

Our efforts paid off when Habit Hero earned third place in the competition, a testament to the hard work and innovation of our team.

More by Eduard-Constantin Ibinceanu

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