Valentine's Day Icons Presentation

Hey there! How are you doing? Last week you might have seen my shot showing the dating app concept. It featured Valentine's Day icons created by Arthur Avakyan for Tubik Studio. Today I would like to do into detail a bit more and show you the presentation of the whole product - starting with the smallest elements such as icons, and then walking through the main app functionality. To view the full and static version please check out my Behance case study.

For those of you who would like to get those icons and use them in your own designs - you can always purchase them on our TubikLab store. By the way, yesterday we had a great new addition to the collection - the Weather Icons. So you should definitely visit Tubik Lab Icons Section.

Also, to bring some more inspiration to you, we are now publishing an article on our Tubik Blog called "Icons in UI design. Great Power of Small Details" containing all the concepts we created to show you how the icons sets we designed can be used in actual applications. It's the player app concept featuring Multimedia Icons Set, the dating app example full of cute and sweet Valentine's Day Icons, so you are most welcome to read how all this was created and what vital role the icons have played in that. Have a great and creative day everyone and stay tuned for more shots and more articles to come very soon!

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