Valentine's Day Icons Presentation

Hi guys! How are you doing? I hope you are all feeling creative and inspired, cause that's what I was feeling like when I was creating this shot. It's a dating app, and today I wanted to show you just a couple of its main screens - a user profile, a calendar with organizer functions, and also a search screen, where you can find the perfect match and also browse through your existing connections.

You can study this app interface in more detail by taking a look at it on my Behance portfolio page.

This interface uses Valentine's Day icons set created by Arthur Avakyan for Tubik Studio. Do you like the look? Well, then you should definitely download this pack and use it in you own designs - check it out on TubikLab.

Here at Tubik Studio we feel that each small detail makes the interface better. Icons are no exception. Working on various projects for our clients we try to bring some unique feature to the icons the app is using. To learn more about the importance of icons, feel free to read our latest blog article called Iconic Simplicity. The Vital Role of Icons. Yeah :) Stay tuned for more shots and more articles to come. Have a great day everyone!

Behance | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook | Google+ | Tubik

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