And so...more light
I held aloft my torch and beheld the path we had stumbled along in darkness ended abruptly at the edge of a glistening watery expanse, filling an enormous cavern... (More accurately: I had been stumbling. My well sighted dwarven friend had kindly done his best to guide my steps.)
The sound: a combined crashing of not one, but two waterfalls, rumbled in an all consuming roar -- filling the vast chamber. The shorter fall stood near us and descended beside the path we entered. Across the lake, tumbled a torrent of water from a height dark and unknown.
Swimming? Out of the question. Even in broad daylight, this wouldn't be foolish. A boat could be useful, but to what end? No dock or shore could be seen.
However, a huge mechanism of rough timbers and cruel shaped chains (clearly of Goblin design...) stood near us over the ledge above of the lower-most waterfall. Its purpose was not readily apparent, though it must have some use, given the lack of other options... --- As usual, with most of my drawings, I go back later and enhance or change the lighting and tone to make things feel a little different.
No exception here.
Plus, more flavor text. Enjoy ;) -Adc