ProPair - Logo Concept / Tweaked

ProPair - Logo Design / Part 2 - Tweaked

ProPair is an online career messaging platform and social enterprise. They help students learn about different career paths by connecting them to real-life professionals.

After sharing my second concept for ProPair my buddy Damian Kidd suggested to make the shape more solid by using a full hexagon. The P would also be still noticeable and the checkmark is build within this mark's foundation.

The double checkmark also makes a lot more sense to visually refer to "pair" and how two people get matched to potentially evolve their careers (mostly focused on the student).

I think the mark feels easier to adapt and visually more pleasing to the eyes as well. Still all elements (as shared in previous post) are notable in this concept which is perfect.

Letter P + Platform + Checkmark

As always open to hear your thoughts and/or points of feedback.

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Jeroen van Eerden
Crafting Logos & Identities That Define Your Brand

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