👋 Shibbir Shabab.
Product designer
Who is Shibbir?
Hello! My name is Shibbir Shabab and I'm a Product designer from the UK with 4+ experience in Web & Print design. I provide design support to agencies and corporate clients.

Contact Me; shibbirshabab@yahoo.com

London, United Kingdom

Member since Dec 2018

Web Design

UI / Visual Design

Brand / Graphic Design

Product designer at lovethesales.com 2022–2023

UI Designer at solace.digital 2021–2021

Visual designer at Ofspace Digital Agency 2019–2019

Fine Arts, District Shilpokhola academy 2020

Diploma in Computer Engineering, Madan Mohan college 2016

Freelance or contract opportunities

Full-time opportunities

4,566 followers 481 following 1,997 tags

Available for new projects

Get in touch Shibbir Shabab