🚀 Product Designer with 8+ years of expertise in crafting compelling digital experiences. From strategic planning to conceptualization and detailed design, I've worn various hats in my decade-long journey.

Contextual inquiry, ethnography, competitive analysis, heuristic evaluation, information architecture, personas ,usability interviews, surveys, user journeys, workflow analysis, user research, testing, agile, analytics.
Figma, HTML, CSS, SQL, Hotjar, Google Analytics, Jira, Asana, Webflow, Adobe Creative Suite, Notion, Miro, Keynote, PowerPoint.

Wavix, DID Logic, Voiso, Refline AG, LASERWAR, Warstation, Moskvich, MTV Russia, Autodor, SOKOLOV Jewelry, Anniehealth, Drop Dead, Valland, SOPA, ShoesX, AdacCode, Different hunger creative, IRL Connect, BlueSky Meeting, D.Core, New major, Base, EntrepreneurTV, Keypaces, Speedwrite Creative, Volunteer now, LifeQuotes, Designwizard, Timeline, Call Center Admin panel.


Dribbble Pro

Member since Jun 2016

UI / Visual Design 6–8 years

Product Design 6–8 years

UX Design / Research 6–8 years

Senior product designer at Wavix 2023–Present

Senior product designer at Moskvich 2022–2022

Senior product designer at WARSTATION 2022–2022

Senior product designer at Refline AG 2022–2023

Senior product designer at Autodoor 2021–2021

Senior product designer at Anniehealth 2020–2020

Senior product designer at MTV 2020–2020

Senior product designer at LASERWAR 2019–2023

Senior product designer at SOKOLOV 2019–2020

UX/UI Designer, Google. Coursera 2022

UX/UI Design Professional , UPROCK Agency,, Moscow 2021

Master of applied computer science, National Research University "Moscow Power Engineering Institute", Moscow, Russia 2020

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