1. Input - Dashboard SAAS Component clean cmd k component dashboard dashboard saas data feedback form input login paraphrase phone number saas search uiux upload ux input vektora verification code white
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    Input - Dashboard SAAS Component
  2. Cloudners - Cloud Storage Dashboard clean cloud cloud storage dashboard data data management docx dropbox files folder google drive organization product design saas storage uiux ux cloud folder ux dashboard vektora web app
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    Cloudners - Cloud Storage Dashboard
  3. Taskhub - Task Management Dashboard card component crm dashboard dashboard design management notepad productivity project saas schedule dashboard sidebar task task management to do list trello vektora web apps worklist workspace
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    Taskhub - Task Management Dashboard
  4. Enflow - CRM Saas Dashboard analytics balance broadcast budget campaign crm dashboard erm expenses income integrations metrics revenue saas saas dashboard saas web app social media transactionals uiux dashboard vektora
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    Enflow - CRM Saas Dashboard
  5. Transaction detail pages - Sales Management Dashboard address b2b buyer center crm fashion invoce order order tracking product resi saas saas dashboard sales dashboard sales management salesforce shipping tracking transaction vektora
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    Transaction detail pages - Sales Management Dashboard
  6. Finance Saas Component analytics balance cart clean component dashboard expenses finance fintech invite management menu bar notification profile revenue saas success transactions uiux vektora
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    Finance Saas Component
  7. Finance - Dashboard SAAS Component b2b banking blue button card component credit card dashboard finance finance component fintech graph overview payment saas saas component saving transaction vektora wallet
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    Finance - Dashboard SAAS Component
  8. Zapmail - Analytics Cold Email Marketing Web App active campaigns ads management analytics campaigns click rates cold email create campaigns dashboard email email campaign email marketing marketing marketing dashboard product design real project saas dashboard tools uiux vektora webapp
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    Zapmail - Analytics Cold Email Marketing Web App
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    Union - Invoice Management Web Application
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    Horizontask - Settings Pages
  11. Kouse - Property Sales Dashboard apartment asset management clean dashboard house income locations product design property property sales real estate saas saas dashboard saas property sales search sell table uiux vektora
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  13. Skyup - SAAS Property Dashboard analytics apartment building customer leads dashboard house new listings overview properties real estate saas saas clean saas dashboard saas product saas properties saas real estate saas uiux saas web apps sales performance vektora
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    Skyup - SAAS Property Dashboard
  14. Optihealth - Healthcare dashboard admin panel analytics business analytics chart crm dashboard design data doctor website graph health analytics health care hospital management medical care medical dashboard medical record monitoring patient uiux vektora
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  15. Bilbee - E-learning Dashboard bootcamp course app course dashboard courses courses saas dark dashboard e learning education learning platform learning skills my profile online course saas school study task progress time spending ux course vektora
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    Bilbee - E-learning Dashboard
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    Swiftseats - travel booking apps
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  18. POS - Food and Beverages Apps b2c card check out customer customer apps detail menu food menu order payment payout point of sales pos pos system pos terminal process order restaurant terminal transaction vektora
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    POS - Food and Beverages Apps
  19. EV Charging Station - Animation Mobile App animation apps car animation car apps car ev ios charging charging ev apps electric car electronic vehicle ev ev app ev charging ev charging station ev mobile app finder map smart car uiux ux charging ev car vektora vr
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    EV Charging Station - Animation Mobile App
  20. Notification Panel Interaction - Animation ai animation chat dashboard dialog interaction interaction animation learn more modal motion notification panel project read reply responsive saas ux vektora view all
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    Notification Panel Interaction - Animation
  21. Build House with AI Pages ai ai design ai webpages budget build house with ai consult dashboard design help center house leads living room properties provide feedback report residents leases settings transaction ui vektora
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  22. Union - Doctor Management Web Application agreement of document crm dashboard doctor doctor availability doctor web apps download report healthcare hospital medical dashboard medical reports medication patient pmr saas uiux saas upcoming upcoming session vektora web apps
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  23. Smart Home - Apps Exploration apps assistant cctv control device home humidity iot lamp living living room power preciptation room smart smarthome speaker ui vektora wind
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  24. Capsule - Kanban Board card clean dashboard dashboard saas intuitive kanban management minimalist modern project saas soft task task management uiux saas vektora web apps web kanban white workflow
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