1. Moonbag - Creation Flow animation avax crypto dashboard defi eth etheric fintech graph investment moonbag motion sol strategy thrc ui vault
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    Moonbag - Creation Flow
  2. AR Reactor Training App: A Safe Way to Practice Dangerous Things 3d application augmented reality blender chemical design concept education headset interactivity interaface mixed reality reactor simulation simulator spatial design training ui ux virtial reality visualisation
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    AR Reactor Training App: A Safe Way to Practice Dangerous Things
  3. Job creation steps campaign career crm dashboard employment greenhouse job job creation jobs lever onboarding progress progress bar recruiter recruiting recruitment salary step steps teero
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  4. Tunesmith - Music Creation AI App ai album app artificial intelligence artificialintelligence design mobile mobile app mobile design music music app music generator music player play playlist song songs spotify ui ui design
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    Tunesmith - Music Creation AI App
  5. Tiimi - Create New Job Posting for a SaaS HR Management System business candidate company creation employee flow hiring hr hrd hrm hrs human resources job management posting saas team ui ux webapp
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    Tiimi - Create New Job Posting for a SaaS HR Management System
  6. AI-Generated Image Website ai generated images ai website design animation design futuristic design graphic design hero design concept inspiration interactive hero modern uiux motion design motion graphics prompt based image creation ui ui design uidesign uiux user experience design visual creation tool website
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    AI-Generated Image Website
  7. Task management app | Project management app | App UI Design app design enterprise app mobile app pannel product design productivity productivity app project management project management app task app task application design task list task management task management app task manager task manager application tasks team manager to do app tracking
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    Task management app | Project management app | App UI Design
  8. UnifiedHR → Creating Contract address form contract contractor contractortools dasboard dropdown hr dashboard phone number product design stepper ui form
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  9. Healthcare service landing page concept animation bento cards concept design elements figma graphics green grey health healthcare illustration pink supplement typography ui ux vitamin web
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    Healthcare service landing page concept
  10. Wayels - Courier System Dashboard admin admin panel admin theme admin ui analytics courier dashboard dashboard ui dashbord delivery modern ui phenomenon product product design system ui design ui ux user dashboard web app webapp
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    Wayels - Courier System Dashboard
  11. Shown AI • Create a new ad campaign analytics buttons components dashboard design system dropdown filters hover icons labels list modal money navigation popover saas steps subscription table ui kit
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    Shown AI • Create a new ad campaign
  12. Leadpros 🎯 ad creation campaign campaign creation clean create progress dashboard lead creation process ui saas ui ux web design
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  13. Client ai app clients content creation dash social post ui ux
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  14. Contentium landing page ai branding cms creative dark design designstudio graphic design home page illustration interface landing page product design reviews saas ui ui ux uidesign web design web ui
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  15. Hiring Platform – Screening Question Creation board clean creation feature flow hiring inputs interaction job ad locked minimal modern platform premium user experience user interface web app wizard
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    Hiring Platform – Screening Question Creation
  16. Mota - Desktop and mobile website design for the remote work app 3d clean digital product landing landing page landing page design minimal mobile page product page promo landing responsive saas ui ux web design web page website website design
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    Mota - Desktop and mobile website design for the remote work app
  17. Set A Price - LMS clean ui create a course creation lms admin online teaching app price settings set a price user experience user interface web app web design
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    Set A Price - LMS
  18. AI-powered weather data | Lazarev. ai ai powered clean data design interface pop up product design search engine ui user experience ux weather weather widget widget
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    AI-powered weather data | Lazarev.
  19. New Cards Creation Flow animation app bank cards flow interaction design product design stepper
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  20. AIZ CRM - Shenzhen CRM Dashboard analytics clean company crm dashboard design shenzen simple statistic ui uidesign ux
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    AIZ CRM - Shenzhen CRM Dashboard
  21. Post Creation add blog create creation dashboard design system form input layout media module new news onboarding platform post publish saas steps ui ux
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    Post Creation
  22. Shown AI • Create a new ad campaign flow budget builder campaigns cards cms components data design system editor list modals money onboarding popover popup pricing saas settings steps ui kit
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    Shown AI • Create a new ad campaign flow
  23. Trenning - Creating a New Quiz in SaaS LMS course education education platform internal knowledge base knowledge base learning learning management system lms product design quiz saas staff training student team training training ui ux web app web design wiki
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    Trenning - Creating a New Quiz in SaaS LMS
  24. Project creation akhil sunny app asish sunny clean cms components dashboard design minimal pixalchemy product project management ui ui elements ux web app web ui
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