While(!(Fail = tryNewApproach()));
The above line correctly describes my attitude towards work.
Create. Design. Inspire!

Every artwork has stories to tell—stories that will not only engage, inform, surprise, delight, and impact their audience, but that will also deliver a lasting impact on the minds of their audience.

I'm a CS Engineer who loves creating functional human-centric UI's with essence of UX.
Designing is fun but proper research is important!

Having worked with an early-stage startup at the beginning of my career gave me a perspective on all sides of the product polygon. Being involved in creating a B2C product from scratch and managing B2B2C products parallelly gave me a perspective on customers and brands firsthand. 💼

Comprehending and being a major part of early-stage user research, market research and user testing helped me empathize with the target user and eventually fall in love with the process. This understanding pushed me to get the knack of design that can disrupt! 🌈

Bangalore, India

Member since Apr 2020

UI / Visual Design 1–2 years

Product Design 1–2 years

UX Design / Research 1–2 years

Product Designer at Cadence Design System 2021–Present

UI/UX designer at Verzeo 2020–2021

Freelance at Self 2018–Present

B.Tech CSE, Lovely Professional University 2021

Freelance or contract opportunities

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Available for new projects

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