A creative and passionate professional in UI/UX design with 5+ years of experience. Skilled in the production of high-quality design concepts and strategies with the ability to use Figma.


Member since Apr 2022

Web Design

UX Design / Research

UI / Visual Design

Founder & Designer at Designby.rai 2023–Present

Business Manager at YPFA 2022–2022

Freelance Designer at Upwork 2021–Present

UI Designer & Web Designer at PT. Universal Export Area 2021–2022

Chief Marketing Officer at PT. Interna Traco Trade 2021–2022

UI Designer & Logo Designer at Feature.staff 2020–2021

Laboratory Assistant at Andalas University 2020–2021

Intern at PT. TEC Indonesia 2019–2020

Graphic Designer & Logo Designer at Revrain.co 2019–2020

Bachelor of Industrial Engineering (unfinished), Andalas University 2017

Freelance or contract opportunities

Full-time opportunities

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Available for new projects

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