Hi. My name is Sherzod and I’m a visual designer originally from Tashkent (Uzbekistan) and currently based in the Netherlands. I have 15+ years of experience working on a variety of project types including but not limited to: platform designs, mobile apps, AR / VR, key visuals, broadcasting, and iconography.

I'm always open to interesting and challenging projects. Do you have one? Then drop me a line at mirzaakhmedoff@gmail.com

Arnhem, Netherlands

Member since Feb 2012

Mobile Design

UI / Visual Design

Web Design

Visual Designer at MediaMonks 2019–Present

Art-director at Sapphire PG 2012–2013

Web designer at Stylemix 2010–2012

Bachelors, Tashkent University of Information Technologies 2011

Freelance or contract opportunities

Full-time opportunities

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Get in touch Sherzod Mirzaakhmedov