Your Creative Designer for Creative needs...

I’m an UI/UX Designer improving user experience during the day 🚀 and a learner/design advocate at night ❤️ ✨

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👋 You can call me - Vanodhya Oshadhi / Oshi

#uidesigner #uxdesigner #freelancer #consultant #design #creativity #LK #iitian #strategicthinker #figma

Colombo, Sri Lanka

Member since Mar 2019

UI / Visual Design 1–2 years

UX Design / Research 3–5 years

Web Design 3–5 years

UI/UX Designer at Rootcode Labs 2020–Present

Associate UI/UX Designer at Rootcode labs 2019–2020

Freelancer and Founder at Deszign Studio 2015–Present

Intern - Business Consulting at Virtusa 2015–2016

BSc. (Hons) Information Systems with Business Management, University of Westminster 2019

Freelance or contract opportunities

Full-time opportunities

37 followers 184 following 298 tags

Available for new projects

Get in touch Vanodhya Oshadhi