Design, like art, begins with a story.
- A story of your product.
- A story of your brand and its vision.
- A story of users' needs.

As a UI/UX designer with over 3 years worth of experience, I get to translate YOUR story to your product users in clear, concise, aesthetically appealing, human-first terms.

You might have hired and had to sack different designers or you might have an idea in your head that seems complicated.

Here's what I can do for you:

- Identify your users' needs through intensive research.
- Generate an array of ideas for the design of your product.
- Turn your ideas into visible products that not only translates into increased ROI for you but are also user-centered.

Lagos, Nigeria

Member since Aug 2020

Brand / Graphic Design 3–5 years

UI / Visual Design 1–2 years

Product Design 1–2 years

Bsc, University of lagos Nigeria 2020

Freelance or contract opportunities

Full-time opportunities

28 followers 42 following 457 tags

Available for new projects

Get in touch ogaga john