1. Radflip Chat App | Menu and Floating button animation app design burger menu canvas cards chat floating button interactiondesign interface ios light mobile prototype uianimation uiuxdesign
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    Radflip Chat App | Menu and Floating button
  2. We are Radflip bold carousel chat chat app dontfollowthistrend framer x ios iphone11 iphone11pro light minimalism neumorphic neumorphism portrait prototype pwa radflip swipe typogaphy uianimation
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    We are Radflip
  3. BusGo (GoDee) Shuttle Bus after effects android animation appdesign bodymovin canvas gif graphic design green highload hochiminh interface ios json lottiefiles mobile motion design radhub svg uxui
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    BusGo (GoDee) Shuttle Bus
  4. Ololo Networking App acquaintance ae animation app canvas design eventapp gif graphic design interface json lottie meeting mobile mobile application mobile screen motion design qrcode ui ux
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    Ololo Networking App
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