I am a Design Product Leader passionate about harnessing technology and delivering services and experiences for people across Social and Environmental impact.
Full Resume bit.ly/3LEHCYs

My diverse professional and life experience include designing finance platforms to help people make better decisions, motivating people to be the best active selves, and helping design circular economy projects. 

I combine skills in Design Leadership, using HCD and UX principles to create award-winning design. I have global experience in California and Brazil working with Global leaders like eBay, CNET, Cisco, in Australia for the NRLs' launch of its digital properties, Australia’s biggest Fintech exit, and Temenos; the world's largest banking software.

Living and working in USA, Brazil, Australia, and being brought up for a time in Fiji gives me an excellent adaptation capacity, resilience, and empathy for other cultures.

Sydney, Australia

Dribbble Pro

Member since Jan 2011

Brand / Graphic Design 9+ years

Product Design 9+ years

Web Design 9+ years

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