Hi there! I'm Mel Robledo, a passionate digital illustrator & graphic designer from Argentina. With 8+ years of freelance experience, I specialize in unique illustrations with soft shapes and vibrant palettes, representing diversity, community, and a modern perspective. My illustrations are featured worldwide in web platforms, apps, publications, books, and advertising campaigns. I love collaborating with clients to bring their ideas to life, whether it's a specific concept or creative direction. Open to all proposals, let's create something amazing together!


Member since Mar 2020

Brand / Graphic Design 3–5 years

Illustration 6–8 years

Web Design 1–2 years

Graphic designer at PEACEVOID CC0 2023–Present

Graphic Designer, UNNE 2016

Freelance or contract opportunities

Full-time opportunities

32 followers 193 following 65 tags

Available for new projects

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Mel Robledo